Monday, January 5, 2009

just touched down in london town.

so i'm finally in london. have been for about three days. sorry for the blogging hiatus, but christmas was crazy. i went to pittsburgh, lock haven, williamsport, philly, and baltimore all in two weeks, not to mention the whole christmas thing.

but its officially the start of a new quarter at the saatchi and saatchi greenhouse in london. i arrived friday and almost wasnt allowed in the country. apparently they didnt believe me that i was going to be working here. but they let me threw. then on to the atrocious flat we had arranged for. it was quite awful. but we've sublet that and found a brand new one that is very small with bunk beds, but closer to the agency, brand new everything, and right next to hyde park in bayswater, a much MUCH nicer area. so we'll be moving there until tomorrow. which also leads to why i havent blogged here yet. no internet. i'm currently at the agency on lunch break. the new place has internet so hopefully ill have time for some late night blogging, but something tells me i'm not going to have quite at much time here as i did in brazil to do so.

so far we've been all over the city. oxford street, trafalgar square, soho [or as i like to call it 'sex shop alley'] and we've seen the london eye and big ben from afar. much more than that, but i cant remember everything. i just can't wait to get settled into the new place and stop living out of a suitcase. although the roommates at the old place are very cool. B, a scottish fashion student and his swedish girlfriend, and two swedish kids here studying english for ten weeks. the new place we will be living with three spanish couples so we'll see how that goes. i just have my fingers crossed that there will be some paella in the mix.

saatchi itself seems very cool. its located in camden on charlotte street. about a 40min commute from the current residence. a few less tube stations from the other. theres coffee machines everywhere and we're currently in the basement in the kids room. but hey, we get to color on the walls. plus theres a pub on site. with hot meals and multiple choices everyday for very cheap. today i had an amazing goat cheese and mango chutney on ciabatta bread sandwich for 1.70. plus people go there and drink in the evenings. i believe i'll be spending quite a bit of time at this place. anyway, time to get back to work, although we havent done much thus far. typical first day.

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