there's a lot of c's in my life.
carren. copywriter. creative. coffee. croutons.
Monday, January 19, 2009
so we are into our third week in london and things are starting to get very busy. however, we've still been able to get out and see some of the city. it's definitely much more inspirational than sao paulo
this is art that is sold all along hyde park on sundays. i walk along this park everyday going to my tube station. then i walk past this church, which i think is gorgeous. normally the tube is covered wall to wall with advertisements. but right now our tube station from our house is bare. this is my tube station. say hi. its was beautiful last sunday so i stopped in hyde park to take some pictures. the park is huge and considered 'the queens' park. these fountains are right by my of our classes we receive a brief each week and also a creative assignment. last week it was to do something our hands to represent something creatively. i learned to make origami butterflies to represent the butterfly effect that i want london to have on my creativity. so then after class we all went to a pub of course. i was very proud of all the beers. i think the pubs are gorgeous. on friday saatchi had the premiere of their first tvc with t-mobile. the commercial was shot on thursday afternoon and aired friday night during big brother. [which is HUGE here.] it was a very big deal, so they had a party for the airing in the agency pub. open bar and a dj. it was so cool to be their when it aired live on tv. the people who made the commercial were dancing along with the ad.
this is them dancing. and this is the ad.
then on saturday devon and i went to the saatchi art gallery. museums and art gallerys are funded by the government so the majority of them are free. which makes a really nice, cheap thing to do to get inspiration in such an expensive city.
this man was his own piece of art. one exhibit were elderly in wheel chairs set to automatically roll around. they represented particular political powers. like an aged U.N. it was very interesting. i was helping one out. while devon stared one down. then we went to see slumdog millionaire. we ate so much candy our stomachs hurt, like little kids. but we got to get it out of this cool dispenser so we couldnt help ourselves. sunday i went to portobello market in the morning by myself. which is part of what i'm loving about london. you can be independent here. very much unlike sao paulo. devon and i get along great, but when we want to do our own thing we can. so it was nice to just go and check it out. although i have to admit i was thoroughly unimpressed. someone suggested that saturdays are better than sundays, and im sure it being the dead of winter didnt help. overall, amazing week. i'm still loving it and i feel like ive learned so much already. we have to choose within the next two weeks where we want to go next, and i feel like im just getting settled here. who knows where it will be. maybe ill ask if i can just stay.
I saw this wino, he was eating grapes. I was like, "Dude, you have to wait." -Mitch Hedberg
currently reading.
Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some see them as the crazy ones, We see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, Are the ones who do.
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