Monday, January 19, 2009

HERE WE GO Steelers. Here we go. Pittsburgh's Going to the Superbowl.

So of course it would pan out that the year I'm gone, so many exciting things happen that i'm not home for. first there was the Obama election. i mean yeah i got to cast an absentee ballot, but it's not the same as being there.

on tuesday, i'll be missing Obama's inauguration.

but now, the pittsburgh steeler's are going to the SUPERBOWL and i'm in england where all they care about is futbol. not football. i missed the first part of the season because i was in brazil. the ONE game i was home for, was a pathetic loss. and now the superbowl. not to mention i will be in paris on that day, where they REALLY don't care about football. if i was england i might have been able to at least find a pub somewhere that would have it on. but not now. oh well. if they win, i at least get bragging rights against all of my eagles friends for the remainder of the year.

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