Tuesday, March 4, 2008

would you buy me?

it's so surreal that this is the final week of classes of my second quarter. i'm going to have to go and say, although we haven't had review week yet, with fingers crossed, i think it was a successful quarter. if not for the work that i got, definitely for the experience.

but my first one on one assignment, for my intro to strategy class [which i love] i have to give a creative briefing to my teacher. ok, should be slightly challenging but we've been working with briefs all quarter. so here's the kicker. the brief has to be on me. to sell myself. faaaantastic. first i have to come up with an objective. to get laid? to get a job? to get a visa into russia? it could be anything. then i have to convince him on all the reasons why. not only does he want to the brief, but some possible support for inspiration such as music, videos, pictures, quotes, other advertisements.

so basically i have look introspectively and decide my self-worth. awesome. i just thought i'd get to photoshop a few pictures and call it a quarter. anyway, i have no clue what to do. so i'd greatly appreciate any input or ideas. criticism good and bad welcome.

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