Sunday, March 16, 2008

spice things up a bit.

so while i may say some not nice things about south beach, i have to admit there are things i love. one of which is diversity in things to do. this past week was filled with so many different experiences from a daycruise to the bahamas to a picnic and kayaking, well trying to. but the best example is that last night i was chugging carbombs [which you could only do if you have two capital letters in your last name, a new rule ryan and i came up with] to prove my irish heritage with 9 guys and christy, and we were just one of the boys. all the while wearing jeans and a tshirt and screaming our faces off to journey. then tonight i went to the forge [a really nice restaurant/club where youve never seen so many old men with barbies on their arms] with some girls from work and drank free champagne in our little satin dresses and heels. you've got to love the variety. maybe next week i'll go drop three grand on dinner then go to deweys and chill with the homeless people.

thanks southbeach.

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