what a great day to be irish. everyone's irish on st.patricks day. and for those who are actually irish and have proof, like oh say an apostrophe and two capital letters in their last name [ahem O'Keefe] have you ever noticed they are extremely arrogant about it? [i'm self-admittedly one of those assholes.] i've never noticed a holiday where people are so arrogant about actually being of that heritage. this may however, have something to do with the mass amounts of killians red, guiness, irish carbombs, and green beer that we as americans use to celebrate the holiday.
i miss the days at home with my irish family and our massive st. patricks day party. complete with lamb stew, corned beef and cabbage of course, scones, and other traditional irish food. then we all sit around and get hammered. oh the good ole days.
but once again this year i can not celebrate my favorite holiday. [a favorite among many who like to drink way too much and dress extremely ridiculous. those who just like green everything. or slutty girls who like to abuse the phrase 'kiss me i'm irish.'] for the first time, i'm not a bartender on st. patricks day and thought, yesss i will finally be able to celebrate. thank you david barton gym for killing those hopes and dreams and making me work from 5pm-midnight tonight. and thank you also andrew speyer for not showing up twice to our one on ones so they are rescheduled for 9am tomorrow morning. so much for luck o' the irish.
so this is for you davidbarton and intro to strategy:

but i just hung my final piece of work on the board for the quarter and i have to say, i definitely had the luck o' the irish on my side this quarter. i can't believe it's over already and i'm excited to see what the next quarter brings, because all and all i'd have to say this was a successful one.
so on that note, happy st. patricks day, enjoy this one for me and kiss me baby, I'M IRISH!
1 comment:
you forgot to mention the Jameson Irish Whiskey... go take a shot!
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