Sunday, March 30, 2008

diversity is key.

i've always considered myself a diverse person based on a few things including the range of activities i enjoy from making mud pies and kayaking to fashion shows and sipping champagne. well apparently miami ad school has the same theory considering i have flash this quarter as a copywriter. i'd love to see the look on every other copywriters face who spent the last quarter kicking and screaming through illustrator when they now see they have to take flash. but hey, maybe i just got lucky in being scheduled to take it.

either way. i think it's good and bad. miami ad school has two main selling points, at least to myself. number one obviously the quarter away experience and number two the ever-evolving curriculum to stay up to date and ahead of the industry in terms of ideas and techniques. most people tend to overlook this and just think, 'well no copywriters i know have ever taken flash.' exactly. so while my first instinct was to drop the class instantly, while those other copywriters and i have our books laying on a CD's desk, when the work is good across the board, theyre going to look at my resume and see that i have a knowledge of flash and that is something that will definitely stand out, or at least make them stop and think, 'why does a copywriter know flash?' so while i may never actually use it, although i have big plans for some fun side projects to kill many valuable hours of my time, it's definitely on thing that would give any copywriter an edge up. because that's what this business is all about. and i think this is a good example of how the school is trying to stay up to date and ahead of the game. because flash is the next big thing according to most of the professionals at the recent portfolio reviews.

so while i'm still undecided about switching out, i'll probably keep it. because i believe if you are really good in one thing, then dabble in a few others it's better than 100% focusing on one thing, but then only being good for one thing.

and to keep up with my new diverse theory of life, my morning television viewing was as follows:
curious george. [the cartoon.]
veggie tales. [in spanish.]
then cnn.

because you have to keep life interesting.

1 comment:

Tara said...

I say you keep it- I would love to learn flash. I feel like its a secret society that only some exclusive people get into. Be a hybrid. And good luck.