so today is national wear red day and the kick-off of national heart month. makes sense given valentines day and all. and while i know breast cancer is a buzz word among many people, especially women, these days and with all the award show projects focusing on it. but this is one that is very near and dear to my heart. [no pun intended.]
without getting too personal on the second blog, my mother passed away at age 39 of heart disease. and while everyone may know that heart disease is the number one killer of women, something that hits that close to home really brings things into perspective.
but this event is more than just something that has taken a loved one from me at the age of 9. because she was so young, it now throws red flags up for every doctor in concerns to my sister and i considering how important genetics are and that we are both women. when we played sports a simple school physical was out of the question. full physicals, constant screenings, and an unconscious paranoia are now a part of my regular health regime. and as annoying as it is, its really kind of scary. my mom died when she was 39. im almost 23. it probably didn't even cross her mind when she was 23 that she only had around 15 years left of her life.
now im not one to preach. i see people smoking everyday and while i could get on my soap box and spew health facts or simply go 'thats what killed my mother. have a good rest of your life, while it lasts.' i dont its a personal choice, i choose not to, some people choose to. but as very busy young women its hard for us to make a connect between what we do now and what we eat, with our health in the next twenty years. but today and this month, take the time to just consider it. diet isnt just about appearance, its about your health and your future. because while breast cancer is important too, and boobs are nice. so is your heart.
so at least wear red today to promote heart health awareness.
and I cant end a blog like this without acknowledging my sister who basically takes care of me and bought me a red dress pin [the national symbol for women's heart health]. what would i do without you.
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