but onto more important things. where the hell were all the amazing super bowl ads? this isn't just about football, its the superbowl for the advertising world essentially. talk about a disappointment. props to budlight and the few spots that actually tried to make an effort. however, the half time show was fantastic. i praise janet jackson for her wardrobe malfunction because i think the halftime shows have been so much better with old time classics than these over exposed pop divas that we were being force fed. because i mean really, who doesnt love tom petty?
gracias to miami ad school for providing us with free pizza and beer for the game. then a bunch of us had a 'dip' party for the second half of the game. we each made our signature dip and brought it. i made buffalo chicken dip.

a few things to keep in mind when having a dip party:
- when everyone is bringing a different kind of dip, its probably a good idea to just halve the recipe.
- wear loose pants. preferably the stretchy kind.
- its not a smart idea to attempt to conquer an entire dish of buffalo chicken dip yourself.
- sitting on the 'carristy' couch in front of the table where dips are easily accessible will result in entirely too much dip consumption.
- and last but not least, a food comatose is a very real and very serious condition. dip with care.
congrats gmen and fans. sorry patriots and fans. and advertisers, lets pick it up a little. talk about a waste of dvr space.
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