Sunday, February 3, 2008

i thought this was the super bowl. where are the ads?

what an amazing super bowl sunday. despite being sick and a very aggravating soccer game earlier in the day [color for life]. exactly what i wanted to happen did. the patriots go all the way to the superbowl then lose it. although i have to admit i felt kind of bad seeing the patriot players walk off the field because i cant even begin to imagine what they were feeling. and i also stopped to think about how the entire nation united against the patriots essentially to see them fail. is it because we're the good guys rooting for the underdogs or the jealous assholes that think if it isn't our team having a perfect season, we dont want anyone too. well we all got our wish. the dynasty comes to an end.

but onto more important things. where the hell were all the amazing super bowl ads? this isn't just about football, its the superbowl for the advertising world essentially. talk about a disappointment. props to budlight and the few spots that actually tried to make an effort. however, the half time show was fantastic. i praise janet jackson for her wardrobe malfunction because i think the halftime shows have been so much better with old time classics than these over exposed pop divas that we were being force fed. because i mean really, who doesnt love tom petty?

gracias to miami ad school for providing us with free pizza and beer for the game. then a bunch of us had a 'dip' party for the second half of the game. we each made our signature dip and brought it. i made buffalo chicken dip.

a few things to keep in mind when having a dip party:
  1. when everyone is bringing a different kind of dip, its probably a good idea to just halve the recipe.
  2. wear loose pants. preferably the stretchy kind.
  3. its not a smart idea to attempt to conquer an entire dish of buffalo chicken dip yourself.
  4. sitting on the 'carristy' couch in front of the table where dips are easily accessible will result in entirely too much dip consumption.
  5. and last but not least, a food comatose is a very real and very serious condition. dip with care.

congrats gmen and fans. sorry patriots and fans. and advertisers, lets pick it up a little. talk about a waste of dvr space.

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