so it's been a crazy quarter so far and i can't believe that it's already the end of the 5th week. i thought Q1 went fast, but it felt like an eternity compared to this one. i think thats mostly in part to me becoming a workaholic. it took branden, who is in the most demanding class of the school, calling me one to finally realize it. but thats what i thrive on. and while i get a little sad at moments because i feel out of the social loop recently and like i have no life. i love it. i love the stress, the deadlines, and the 14hrs of work. i love coming home and feeling so absolutely exhausted and knowing it was from productivity. after all, thats why i'm here. and that's why i'm going to love this business.
however another thing i love about the business is all the insights and knowledge we gain on random products that the average consumer might not know. any good ad campaign is grounded solidly in research and product insights. therefore lots of research is necessary. this can be good and this can be bad.
on the side of doritos, the one show brief that literally the entire school is working on, it's bad. if i see, smell, or taste another dorito i may throw up. from making dorito bricks to shoveling handfuls into my mouth to make a crunch language, never did i image the things OTHER than advertising i would be doing at this school.

on the positive side, i was just assigned a brief for BlissBerry frozen yogurt. lots of people may have heard of PinkBerry, the now famous frozen yogurt store taking over LA and NY. well this store is 100% a knock-off of PinkBerry. however, considering PinkBerry isn't smart enough to capitalize the miami market, and PinkBerry itself is a knock-off of the asian Red Mango frozen yogurt stores, i feel no shame in highly endorsing BlissBerry.
purely for the sake of research today, christy and i found our way to BlissBerry on alton and lincoln. they combine the art of all natural lowfat frozen yogurt with simplicity. two main flavors, regular and green tea and then tons of toppings from fresh mango, strawberries, etc. to captain crunch, fruity pebbles, and christy's favorite, rice krispies. after reading the health benefits and how it's low in fat, all-natural, no sugar, blah, blah, i presumptively thought that like everything else that's good for you it must taste like shit. i was in for a surprise. its like heaven in your mouth. it's so good and knowing how good it is for you, you feel no shame eating it. in fact, with all the probiotics youre actually doing your body good. so lets just say i'm hooked. doing some research on PinkBerry, a common theme was that people just kept saying it has something in it like crack that gets you hooked. i mean people eat this stuff two, three times a day. i thought they were crazy until i experienced it myself.
sorry dad, i'm officially addicted to CrackBerry.
ps. this is the result of the dorito brick.