Tuesday, July 8, 2008

cocktails, hour d'ourves, and botox.

so working at david barton gym we get invited to a lot of premieres and parties whether its from members or partnerships the gym has, or ones we put on for promotion. i have to tell you, this one tops them all. after returning from PA today [land of missing teeth and weekly bathing] i find an invitation to a party at the mandrian oriental downtown. i was kind of excited, swanky little place. then i read on 'there will be gold medalists and other professional athletes, cocktails, hour d'ourves, and each person in attendance will receive a free session of botox.' i was like.. is this for real?

welcome to miami. and why im so excited to go on quarter away. so if anyone wants to go, let me know i'll put you on the list. but i think personally, i'm busy that night.

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