i keep trying to make excuses like 'im so uninspired by this brief. and this wont go in my book anyway. or we arent supposed to have nonprofits.' but maybe i just suck and got lucky the first quarter. i got all of my good ideas out the second quarter and im washed up. it really shows me how working with a good partner can make or break you and even still, if they're a good partner and they don't inspire/motivate you through your brainstorming, the ideas will never come. or maybe it was just the partner that did all the good work and i suck all together.
the thing that has been getting me recently is im starting to feel like all of my ideas are being used up on other peoples projects. not projects i'm working with them on, that i could then in turn use in my book as well, cause thats one thing. but people run things by me and im like oh what about this or this, and then it completes their campaign and makes it a really good one. now don't get me wrong, i dont want credit, i just wish i could get some reciprocation. or maybe i'm just finding another excuse for why i suck. i feel put in the hours, hours and hours of hours, and still nothing.
i just don't understand what was working for me last quarter that isn't this quarter. one, i took more vacations. i had so many visitors and people coming i prioritized. maybe i'm putting in too many hours. but if you dont crack something you cant just give up on it. and when you have four days to do three full briefs actually being presented to the client, there isnt time to take a picnic and relax. maybe it was less pressure, because i really only had one demanding class and it wasn't demanding, i just made it so. or maybe it was i had a partner that i knew i worked good with, but after this quarter, i didnt realize just how well.
regardless, i need to figure out what it is or stop wasting my time and money in ad school. and some people may say 'well you had something presented to the client', but really that doesn't mean much. because while what i've been producing is 'smart' or 'strategic' its not creative. i may as well go to the account side.
so with that said, i'm going to keep some words of advice from our friends as someecards.com in mind:

obviously i'm familiar with the disappointment that's around right now, as i'm in the same boat as you in terms of classes not living up to what we had hoped, but i hope that doesn't move you toward doubting ad school, but toward kicking its ass.
i'm definitely feeling the same thing about chalking it up to the briefs (fuck USPS, why non-profits- and 3, lettuce what the hell, and the like) but when i think about it, i realize i've had the same sentiment each time i've sat down to brainstorm on these (even with good partners)- that is, dismay/discouragement/etc. and then the next realization is that the only way we can snap out of this is by deciding to.
so it's on: we are starting our adventure challenge, which consists of two things: 1) to challenge ourselves to do the best work possible on each brief, and not cop out or make excuses, and 2) the breakfast club- to challenge each other to take on and follow through on projects that we are excited about and feel really represent us.
i'm doubting myself as i'm writing this and feeling the same mechanism kick in-- do we have time? energy? motivation? but our job is to brainstorm, to create things, to solve problems, so i guess the answer is yes.
si o no?
i've got some ideas....
my dear,
i managed to poke into your blog and read your post. it made me sad to hear you so discouraged. it sounds like classes and assignments are really frustrating you and i'm sorry they aren't as good as you had hoped.
school has its good points and its not so good points. i totally know how you feel about being frustrated or stuck. i'm pretty sure it happens to everyone (really, everyone), so don't be discouraged. i always liken brainstorming to giving birth. painful and long. ha. :) but hopefully it'll produce something beautiful. it is ok to feel stuck. it means that you're exhausting everything that you can. sometimes briefs aren't well structure, ask for unreasonable things, or partners don't work well together (REGARDLESS of how talented they are individually). and it's hard because each idea is like our baby (see above) and you want to see it succeed.
i can tell that you're full of great ideas because, like you said, you help round off concepts and make them stellar campaigns. i bet you would be a great creative director. you're able to see something and make it even better. and like you said, you ROCKED last quarter. and man...coming out of second q with so many campaigns is an accomplishment in itself and you should be really proud of yourself. some people have to wait till 3rd or 4th to get anywhere near that amount of work that they're happy with.
about being inspired by the brief...i obviously have no idea what they are, but...if it helps..this term i learned that it's better to do smaller clients and od them well (you probably already knew this too). it doesn't matter if no one has heard of the brand. if the concept is good it'll ring true. i'm not sure about how non profit works but one or two campaigns in the book sound ok by me. agencies always give back somehow and do nonprofit groups. plus it's working with a small budget and limited resources. they have to scream out loud and be amazing or risk getting buried and unnoticed.
another thing is that you've basically been brainstorming like crazy for the last 8 months straight. that is a lot of brainstorming! it's ok to "take a break" sometimes too.
that being said, sometimes briefs just DON'T MAKE SENSE. and it's ridiculously frustrating to try to make them work. that happened to me the last qtr i was in miami. i don't think i got any wk from that qtr. but i did learn to notice how i function as a creative and what my weaknesses are. i guess that is part of school too.
i always feel our ad egos are some of the most fragile things. we just need a bit of encouragment. don't be discouraged. you are a great creative! hitting a bump doesn't reflect lack of talent, dedication, or passion. next term will be different too. fresh start. just be proud of what you've already accomplished. i know you're making the best use of this term.
hope what i wrote made sense. i felt like i was rambling. i've been discouraged too many times too so i didn't want to see you have to tackle that too. keep kicking butt with your great ideas! you've got a lot of mad skills.
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