this may be the first post where i actually rant a little. sorry i havent posted in awhile, i've been too busy spending ours of my time doing fruitless labor. i'm just so frustrated at this point in the quarter. this time last quarter i was finishing up a few solid campaigns and feeling really good about the quarter. that was only q2. here i am in q3 where we're supposed to get the most stuff for our book and i see potential in one maybe two things, when i ended up with 5 campaigns from last quarter. all ones im excited about.
i keep trying to make excuses like 'im so uninspired by this brief. and this wont go in my book anyway. or we arent supposed to have nonprofits.' but maybe i just suck and got lucky the first quarter. i got all of my good ideas out the second quarter and im washed up. it really shows me how working with a good partner can make or break you and even still, if they're a good partner and they don't inspire/motivate you through your brainstorming, the ideas will never come. or maybe it was just the partner that did all the good work and i suck all together.
the thing that has been getting me recently is im starting to feel like all of my ideas are being used up on other peoples projects. not projects i'm working with them on, that i could then in turn use in my book as well, cause thats one thing. but people run things by me and im like oh what about this or this, and then it completes their campaign and makes it a really good one. now don't get me wrong, i dont want credit, i just wish i could get some reciprocation. or maybe i'm just finding another excuse for why i suck. i feel put in the hours, hours and hours of hours, and still nothing.
i just don't understand what was working for me last quarter that isn't this quarter. one, i took more vacations. i had so many visitors and people coming i prioritized. maybe i'm putting in too many hours. but if you dont crack something you cant just give up on it. and when you have four days to do three full briefs actually being presented to the client, there isnt time to take a picnic and relax. maybe it was less pressure, because i really only had one demanding class and it wasn't demanding, i just made it so. or maybe it was i had a partner that i knew i worked good with, but after this quarter, i didnt realize just how well.
regardless, i need to figure out what it is or stop wasting my time and money in ad school. and some people may say 'well you had something presented to the client', but really that doesn't mean much. because while what i've been producing is 'smart' or 'strategic' its not creative. i may as well go to the account side.
so with that said, i'm going to keep some words of advice from our friends as in mind: