Tuesday, June 2, 2009


this morning i read a really good blog from a leading female copywriter. she was talking about karma in the advertising sense. i've never thought about it too much but i think its something interesting.

today has been a terrible day. i woke up late, not much sleep. then coming to work my ankle gave out and i fell in the street. a car almost hit me, then it started to rain. it couldnt have been scripted better in a movie, except they forgot to write in the part where matthew mcconaughey runs out and saves me. because he didnt. instead i stand up, bloody knees, scrapped hands and bruised pride, umbrellaless and continued to work. it pretty much set the tone for the rest of the day.

just now i walked down to pret to get a cup of coffee. a deal i've made with myself is i can get coffee if i pack lunch. oh the life of a frugal student who is paying to work. but i smiled and said hi, just the coffee the nice girl behind the counter smiled and said "don't worry about it." i'm not sure why she did, maybe she was too lazy to ring up just a coffee or maybe she was one of the 1,000 new yorkers who saw my little show this morning, but it made my day. somehow, i feel like its a little bit of karma. because damn it, i've done a lot of things that deserve a free coffee every now and then.

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