Monday, September 22, 2008

small town girl returns from big city.

being home the past week has really opened my eyes to just home different miami is from podunk PA. now don't get me wrong, i love them both. but its interesting to see the stark differences. first and foremost, politically. i went to the beach with my aunt and some of her friends this weekend and to hear them talk about politics almost made me cringe, but think of how in miami, you will not hear a person say they are for mccain. but here, everyone is. complete with lawn signs and even a "she can do it. rosy the rivettor" with sarah pallins tshirt. [from some random dude at the rodney atkins concert.] i just found it fascinating. then it made me think. where the hell did i come from? i grew up in the middle of nowhere with a super conservative family who kept the camo industry afloat. how did i end up so liberal and anti-camo if you will. either way, i see both sides rationale. and i think i take the best that both sides have to offer and bring them together. at least thats what the narcissitic side of me likes to think. regardless, sometimes i think i shouldve gone into anthropology.

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