today's profession:
selling caipirinha's on the beach in brasil.

-you're everyone's favorite person. [at least the guy incessently selling them to me was my favorite person in camburi. then again, i was confused why it was daylight at 5pm.]
-spend all day on the beach. all day in the sun.
-easy access to booze.
-relatively stress-free. [relatively in the sense that dealing with drunk people is never completely stress-free.]
-it's a lot less physical work than the guys walking up and down the beach carrying things.
-minimal expenses on clothing. uniform is bikini.
-minimal expenses on clothing. uniform is a bikini. [potential danger to business.]
-skin cancer. [which let's be honest, anyone who knows me and how much i loathe sunscreen knows i probably have it already.]
-must learn portuguese. [i learned this was critical when i ordered a chicken caiprinha instead of a strawberry one. frango instead of morango. which are very similar words to a drunk gringa. however, i dont think the locals are a fan of meat and cachaça.]
-little to no pay. [who cares? i spend everyday on the beach in brasil.]
the list could go on and on. unfortunately, my five minutes is up.
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