so far so good. the language barrier is larger than i thought it would be but luckily we have nicole who has been learning for awhile. but ive learned the basics: hello [oi], goodbye [chau] and beer [cerveja]. beer is very abundant here and they drink it ice cold. people were having beer yesterday when we went to breakfast.
we still aren't quite settled in. we need a few odds in ends like a coffee pot [obviously crucial] and a few groceries. luckily they have walmarts in brazil. phew.
then last night, for our first night in brazil. we went to 'london station' where there was an american cover band and everything was in english. except for everyone speaking, including the bartenders. luckily after you order the first one you can just put the bottle up and they get you another one.
the set up of clubs is very different here. when you walk in you get a credit card with your number and name. then you pay the cover and your bar tab at the end. even if youre paying with cash. its a crazy system.
we still have so much to figure out and learn. but we're getting there. tomorrow is the first day at the agency, and we can't wait.
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