Thursday, August 14, 2008

random thoughts.

it's been awhile since i've actually written something. i've been busy writing things for school between headlines and standup comedy. comedy should be interesting. i'm scared to death but i'm getting excited. hard to believe the show is in less than a month. also hard to believe i've been in miami for almost a year. wow.

i'm so excited for QA. i have my fingers crossed for sao paolo.
i should have more interest in the olympics than i do.
my new addiction is twitter. great.
i'm so excited to go home and see my family.
i want to go to the kenny chesney concert that's in two weeks.
if i go to sao paolo, i'm going to miss not having fall again.
i put my notice in at work. in two weeks i'll no longer be employed.
i feel like this quarter went in reverse. super busy at the beginning, and now it's starting to slow down.
i need more coffee.

have a great day kids.

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