Monday, April 21, 2008

future a.d.? probably not.

holy intense beginning of the quarter. so much has happened in the past two weeks and i can't even believe that we are heading into week 3 of our third quarter already. wasn't it yesterday that i moved to miami beach? oh wait that was six months ago.

they weren't kidding when they said they get you in your third quarter. between TIR and ad concepts and all the writing we have to do for writing for radio, i definitely have my work cut out for me this quarter and I'm feeling it already. however, i've also come to the realization that a lot of this is my own fault. i like to give everything 100% of my effort and a recent apiphany [and slight mental break down] showed me that sometimes it just isn't possible. and this is where the art of prioritizing comes in. i have to just focus on what is important and what i feel is the best in terms of book pieces and learning/experience.

because while this school is all about coming out with an amazing book, it is about the experiences and things you learn as well. and there's more to it than just advertising. it's time management. it's people skills and how to work with a partner and deal if you just don't mesh. how to get makeshift props because you are too poor to finance the real deal. and these are just a few of the many, many examples.

but that's the biggest lesson i've learned. give it your all, but only where it counts. because it's physically impossible to give every project as much energy as i would like.

on a completely different note, i would like to profess my new found love of flash. sources will reveal that going into this quarter a was less than enthusiastic about having flash and even considered switching out of it. however, the more i use it and the more i play with it, the more i'm in love. [a far cry from numerous posts ago when i professed my hatred for illustrator. the building blocks of flash.] there's just something so inspiring and exciting about putting little dots into boxes aka keyframes, hitting Apple+Return and seeing the whole thing come to life. while the thought of switching to interactive art direction crossed my mind, i think i'll stick with words. because while i may eventually master the program [a feat i am far from at this point] i'm still much better at articulating things than picking a color scheme. so i think i'll just go with a well-rounded copywriter title. either way, i have lots of fun things in mind i want to create. and it all started with a little grey mouse eating some purple swiss cheese. [a masterpiece you will unfortunately not be able to view because i didn't save it.]

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